Alan Gelati

“The majority of European fish stocks are overfished, putting the environment, coastal communities and jobs at risk. For decades, quotas have been set above scientific advice driven by fishing power which far exceeds the available fish. That said, overfishing is probably the world’s biggest soluble environmental problem. We know what to do, but we need to act now to bring overfishing to an end as soon as possible.”

This was the assessment of OCEAN2012, an alliance of organisations that was campaigning to reform the failed EU Common Fisheries Policy in 2012, and it was to this campaign that we decided to dedicate our next series of images, taken by the wonderful fashion photographer, Alan Gelati.

Fishlove was credited by Maria Damanaki, the EU Commissioner in charge of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, as having played a leading role in the success of reforming the CFP.



